My Tradies App

Easing your life as a technician

When you need to know if you have a part in stock, do you phone spares? If you do, you’ll know the frustration of being on hold for ages. Perhaps you rely your printed stock list, printing off a sheaf of pages every few days. How about tracking your jobs – how do you keep track of which jobs are completed, which ones you’ve been paid for, and which ones you haven’t.

If you have an Android phone there’s an easier way. MyTradiesApp is an android app that lets you track your stock, keeping track of what’s in your van or truck, and keeping track of where it’s stored. Unlike the printed stock list, the app can hold current stock levels updated every day. And when you do a job that required that stock, the stock level is as up to date after the job as it was before it.

MyTradiesApp is currently a work in progress, available to those who are willing to try it, and provide feedback to improve it. It is ad-supported to try to offset development costs.